I hope you like the new appearance of my website - thank goodness for tech savvy sons! I also have a new email address for dancing matters.
Please save [email protected]. Thank you Adam.X
Once again I led a day of Meditative dances for Holy Week in the beautiful Meditation Centre in Dent, on 1 April, 2015, the Wednesday in Holy Week. The dances took us from the Crowds waving “Hosanna” in Jerusalem to the empty tomb, and we were enriched by the reading of sonnets written by Malcolm Guite, before each dance. I received some very kind and positive feedback on the day: Thank you so much for a stunning and inspired day. I really enjoyed your matching of dances to the readings and I thought that your manipulation of the symbols in the final centre was subtle, but also very powerful. Thank you for asking me to be one of your readers and introducing me to the work of Malcolm Guite. I look forward to dancing with you again and enjoying your very special creativity. I am offering a similar event in 2016 on Wednesday March 23rd From the Annunciation to the Pieta(It just so happens that the Feast of the Annunciation falls on Good Friday, in 2016)
10.15am to 4.30pm. £23. There are still a few places available The number will be restricted to just 16. Please contact me to book |